The amount of growth both professionally and personally that we have had this year, we owe, in part, to our involvement in the chamber of commerce. We are so blessed by this “little” but MIGHTY community of Ventura and all the good...
Legal ServicesAttorneys
Monday-Friday from 9:00 AM-5:00 PM. Attorneys are available to meet after hours by appointment only.
Driving Directions:
Located across from the County Government Center. From Victoria Ave, turn west on Thille Ave (across from the Govt Ctr), turn right on County Square Dr, located at the end of the cul-de-sac on right.
At Rounds & Sutter we provide legal assistance in the following practice areas: small business counsel, real estate law, bankruptcy, consumer advocacy & debt settlement, & automotive business defense.
The amount of growth both professionally and personally that we have had this year, we owe, in part, to our involvement in the chamber of commerce. We are so blessed by this “little” but MIGHTY community of Ventura and all the good...
The Ventura Chamber of Commerce is the heartbeat of the business community and a mainline artery to City Hall. The Chamber assists members with the sometimes difficult task of maneuvering through complicated City matters. I beli...