County Ventura St. Patrick’s Day Parade set for Saturday, March 15

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Feb. 10, 2025                                         
For more information:
Tel. 805-746-5999

Everyone’s Irish on Parade Day!

County Ventura St. Patrick’s Day Parade set for Saturday, March 15

VENTURA, California – If you’d like to join in the 2025 County Ventura St. Patrick’s Day Parade, it’s time to sign up! The deadline for parade entry is Thursday, March 6.

Presented by the Ventura Downtown Lions Club, the parade will commence at 10 a.m. Saturday, March 15, along a three-quarter-mile route in the heart of Ventura.

Joining in the parade is simple: Just go to and follow the basic steps to submit forms and pay online. Entry fee is $50. The first 100 entries will be accepted.

“Show-Me You’re Irish!” is this year’s parade theme, reminding everyone that – whether you’re rolling, marching or dancing down Main Street or standing on the sidelines, and whether or not you’re Irish by birth – on parade day, we’re all Irish!

One of the county’s most popular community events, the decades-old St. Patrick’s Day parade draws a crowd of thousands each year to Ventura. The parade route runs downhill along Main, from Lincoln Drive to Fir Street. Beyond Fir and heading into downtown, the party continues after the parade, with dozens of restaurants and other attractions open to everyone along the auto-free downtown streets.

Parade entries are coming in strong and once again include a solid musical contingent. Always a great entertainment, the parade has been drawing more bands and other musicians every year.

Parade entrants compete for awards presented by a panel of judges led by St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee member James Lockwood.

This year’s parade grand marshal is longtime local philanthropist Bill Kearney.

Worthy of the accolades, Kearney has been deeply involved in the Ventura County community for decades. Professionally, he had a distinguished 43-year career at Merrill Lynch, where he earned the Lifetime Achievement Award in 2004. After retiring, he focused on managing a family farming business and countless philanthropic endeavors. Currently, he chairs the boards for the Museum of Ventura County and Community Memorial Healthcare. He was named Citizen of the Year by the Ventura Chamber of Commerce and has received multiple service honors. Kearney says his proudest achievement came in 2015, when he was awarded an honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters from California State University, Channel Islands.

The County Ventura St. Patrick’s Day Parade is co-chaired by an esteemed group of former Ventura mayors and councilmembers – former grand marshals Jim Monahan and Nan Drake; and longtime event coordinator Brian Brennan – working in cooperation with a committee from the local Lions Club.

For answers to parade entry questions, call Brennan at 805-746-5955 or committee member Aaron Gaston at 805-340-8217. For other parade info, call Monahan at 805-340-1356 or visit the parade website, at
